Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eating out

*Here are some tips to help you make good decisions (that you wont regret later) when you eat out!!
*Select foods that are:
-Steamed (you cant go wrong with steamed veggies..and they are very filling, too!)
-Garden Fresh (especially salads!)
-Lightly sauteed or stir fried FaSt FoOd FaCtS:
If There is somewhere you would like to see the facts for, just email me and i'll try to put them up here for ya!!

-Stay away from the fries...a small waffle fries has 290 cal and 10 g fat-A more healthy choice is a tossed salad, 80 cal and 4.5 g fat, but if you dont eat the cheese, you wont get all that fat!
-Instead of the fried chicken sandwich, have the grilled chicken, which, while it is high in cal, 280, only has 3 g fat, and has lots of protein
-The Chicken Caesar Salad, 240 cal, 10 g fat...but again, skip the cheese and reduce the fat!!
-A good choice is 1 cup of the Breat of Chicken Soup, which has only 110 cal, 1 g fat and 0 sugar!!(From

-With their 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less, this is a good place to eat, however, the bread has a Ton of, you can always just eat the meat, not the bread!!
-My Favorite, the 6" Turkey Breast Sub, has only 254 cal, and 3.5 g of fat-The 6" Roasted Chicken Breast Sub, has only 311 cal and 6 g of fat
-If you must have your chips, go for the Baked Lays or the Wow Chips...NOT the original!!(From

-If you have to have their famous Roast Beef, go with the Jr, which still has a gigantic 340 cal and 16 g fat
-Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, 200 cal, 6 g fat
-Caesar Side Salad, 85 cal, 4 g fat (remember, always get the dressing on the side, because that typically has a TON of fat)
-Off of the Lite menu, the grilled chicken has 280 cal and 5 g of fat and the roast turkey deluxe has 230 cal and 5 g fat...i recommend both of those, they are very good!!
-Yeah, their fries are good, but at 320 cal and 16 g of fat for a SMALL, are they really worth it!?!(From

Diet Foods

Start your diet with a food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time, and how you felt. That tells you about yourself, your temptation, the emotional states that encourage you to snack and may help you lose once you see how much you eat. Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half a bite and throw the other half away. When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainable goals. Don't say, "I want to lose 50 pounds." Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds a month." Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that "full feeling." Diet with a buddy. Support groups are important, and caring people can help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person. Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the "Y" or health club if possible; or dust, or walk around the block. This is especially helpful if you eat out of anger. If the pie on the counter is just too great a temptation and you don't want to throw it away, freeze it. If you're a late-night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread before bedtime to cut down on cravings. Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet the hunger pangs that wake you up. If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward. Write down everything you eat - - everything - including what you taste when you cook. If you monitor what you eat, you can't go off your diet. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you stuck to your diet all day. Make dining an event. East from your own special plate, on your own special placemat, and borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, no matter how meager, look lovely. This is a trick that helps chronic over-eaters and bingers pay attention to their food instead of consuming it unconsciously. Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll only buy more fattening food. Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. And this includes alcoholic beverages. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They're high in fiber, satisfying and filling. Leave something on your plate, even if you are a charter member of the Clean The Plate Club. It's a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty. Lose weight for yourself, not to please your husband, your parents or your friends. Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV set or with the radio on. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel. Chew everything from 10 to 30 times and count!


Cleanses, fasting and elimination diets are often a good way to initiate a weight loss and detoxification regimen. By their very nature these regimens shift the metabolic balance of the body in favour of catabolism: decreased nutrient consumption, increased utilization of stored energy, and increased elimination. All of these regimens require a strict adherence to a particular choice of foods and/or beverages, and the vigilance needed to maintain this regimen teaches one to pay close attention to dietary habits. After, when the fast or cleanse has ended, it's easy to return to a broad selection of healthy foods and feel like you are really treating yourself. Another benefit of cleansing and fasting when starting a weight loss regimen are the fairly immediate and sometimes even dramatic results. This is quite often very encouraging and provides for a continued effort to follow through on one's weight loss goals. There are several different kinds of fasts or cleanses, and they can be broken down into three basic regimens: water fasting, juice fasting or eating a simple diet.
Water Fasting Water fasting will often promote the most immediate results weight loss results but should be avoided beyond two or three days, or if continued longer, should be medically supervised. If no nutrients other than water are consumed the body is forced to use up its available energy reserves. Glycogen, stored in muscle and liver tissue, is utilized first, but there is not enough to sustain the body and especially the brain, which requires 25% of the energy the body produces, for any great length of time. Once the glycogen is used up, the body begins breaking down stored fats (lipolysis) for energy. Without consuming any alkalizing substances the production of ketone bodies during lipolysis can lead to ketoacidosis. If the water fast continues the body will begin to break down the proteins in muscle tissue for the production of energy, leading to wasting and eventually, death.
Juice Fasting Juice fasting combines the benefits of water fasting, with the introduction of alkalizing substances that help to buffer the blood against acidosis. Further, juice fasting provides somewhat of a psychological buffer since something of substance is being consumed. Juice fasting can also protect against hypoglycemia, but if the juices are consumed in excess, they can promote transient states of hyperglycemia, which can rebound into hypoglycemia. The best way to avoid this is to dilute the juices in half with water, and consume the juice over a longer period of time, such as 1 litre of juice slowly sipped over an hour. And, as Mohandas Gandhi said, "one should drink one's food, and chew one's juice." Chewing the juice by swishing it around in the mouth ensures that it undergoes some initial digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract. There are many different kinds of fruits and vegetables that can be juiced, but in order to avoid inducing reactive hypoglycemia, vegetable juices, which have a lower sugar content, are used in preference to fruit juices. Apples are to some extent an exception to this rule, as some of its long chain polysaccharides such as pectin slow it's digestion. Some of the most commonly juiced vegetables are carrot, beet, celery, cucumber and cabbage, but any number of other vegetables can be added, including herbs such as fresh cilantro, garlic, ginger, basil and parsley. Strong tasting vegetables or herbs should be used in lesser quantity in order to make the juice palatable. Also, if you plan on using any of the cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli) it's a good idea to include a little bit of ginger to prevent bloating and flatulence. A typical juice might be 4 large carrots, 1 beet, 1 medium cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, with parsley and basil to taste. Another juice that's a little sweeter is equal parts carrot and apple, with a finger of ginger thrown in for a little 'kick.' There are virtually endless combinations, allowing you to experiment with different tastes and colours. Typically, a juice fast can last anywhere from 3 to 7 days.
Fast Preparation Whether it's a juice fast or water fast, some measure of preparation is required before beginning them. If you are a drinker, a smoker or like your coffee, it's a good idea to wean these items out of your diet before going on the fast. Indulging in them while fasting corrupts the whole purpose of going on fast in the first place. If you take any prescription drugs it's a good idea to check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if the drugs you are taking must be taken with food. If you are diabetic, then water or juice fasting is not the best approach to cleansing. If the body is particularly toxic work your way into the fast slowly, consuming only raw fruits and vegetables the first day, a complete water fast for the next 2-3 days, followed by a juice fast over the next 4-6 days.
Effects of Fasting Water fasting and/or juice fasting are not the best approaches to undertake while continuing with your busy life. It's a time to go inward, to meditate, paint and play music, a time to remove the burden of everyday responsibility and allow true cleansing to occur. Some of the initial symptoms that can occur during the first 3 - 4 days of fasting include headaches, temperature sensitivity, fatigue and irritability. There may be withdrawal symptoms, such as a craving for bread or milk, which may be indicative of addictive food allergies, or a craving for other addictive substances, like tobacco and alcohol.

Best 100 things to know

001. Drink a glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
002. Pick one food for the day, like an apple. Cut it into 8 slices. Eat 2 slices at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 2 at dinner, and you'll have 2 left for a snack. This way your body thinks it's eating 4 times that day, but in reality you've only had 1 apple. The next day pick another food. Make sure it's only 1 serving that you split up into 3 or more throughout the day.
003. Dont try to fast for days and days. First of all, fasting for long periods of time actually slows down the metabolism, second, it increases binge cravings immensely, and third, it affects your mood greatly. Instead of being happy for losing weight, youll be depressed simply because of lack of food.
004. If you live on your own or have a lot of privacy, tape/tack up pictures of your favorite models and always carry one around with you. When you're hungry pull out the picture. If you live on your own, tape them up on the fridge, freezer, and cupboards (just remember to take them down or cover them when people come over).
005. Always wear perfectly applied sticky lipgloss or chapstick. It keeps you very aware of what goes in your mouth, and makes you think twice about eating anything, because you will have to carefully re-apply.
006. 'Pro Plus' are caffeine tablets which you can just buy from most shops, no need for calorie infested coffee, they are also easy to take if and when you do eat anything.
007. If you're a smoker and you're hungry, light up a cigarette. It curbs your appetite and you no longer feel hungry. If youre not a smoker, however, I wouldnt advise you to start simply to lose weight.
008. If you are really craving food, brush your teeth with a strong mint toothpaste. This helps to put you off food because of the taste it leaves behind.
009. When you are hungry, do something gross like dig for worms, clean a kitty litter box, or something. It will make you less likely to eat.
010. In between each mouthful of food that you eat, take a sip of water. It fills you up and slows down your eating so that you stay in control and the meal doesnt turn into a flat-out binge.
011. Dexatrim - take 3 a day 1/2 hour before you eat and drink water and you'll be full after just a few bites. Dexatrim, however, is not safe for those of you already on medication. I used to do the whole diet pill thing years ago, and as a result, my heart is permanently damaged.
012. When drinking water, drink ICE COLD water... your body has to burn calories to keep your body temperature up.
013. I would not recommend taking laxatives because they are not an effective way of purging, and you actually gain weight by taking them. There are natural laxatives though, found in foods like prunes and grapes. Also, there are certain sugar-free cough drops and candies that produce a laxative effect because of the sugar substitute used in them.
014. Try to eat in the same place every day. Somewhere solitary. Not in front of the TV or computer. If you have to stop what youre doing to go eat you might not even bother.
015. Eat what you crave. But eat it before you crave it in moderation. For instance, instead of a whole chocolate bar, get one of the small ones and only eat 1/2 of it. Allow yourself to enjoy it. Deprivation leads to bingeing.
016. Sleep at least 6 hours a night. Less than 6 hours sleep a night stimulates appetite by 15%. A lot of people with eating disorders suffer from insomnia, but it really is important to get as much sleep as possible.. Not just for weight loss, but because it helps the body stay healthy even though it is starving.
017. Lower the temperature in your house 10 degrees to burn more calories, or take an icy cold shower/bath. Like drinking the ice water, it causes your body burns calories as it tries to warm you up.
018. Always eat teaspoon size amounts of food at any one time and chew well. You will become fuller with less food so wont want to finish what's on your plate.
019. If youre really hungry, buy a bag of low fat low calorie hard candies. When you suck on them a lot your stomach will tell you that you are full.
020. Try drinking more hot beverages, especially in fall and in winter. Hot liquids expand the intestinal tract and make you feel more full. A warm drink can help take the edge off your hunger, preventing overindulging later. In fact, soup can do the same. Bullion cubes are only 5 calories a cube, and they taste wonderful.
021. Focus especially on the first three bites. After that, the excitement of eating will begin to slowly subside, and you'll probably be content with a smaller portion.
022. Spicy foods raise your metabolism and burn slightly more calories than mild foods.
023. If you feel like you want to eat, go to a friends house that you cannot just raid the fridge at. Being around other people will make you less likely to eat since most people with eating disorders are embarrassed of being caught eating in public.
024. When you go out, take only a few bucks with you so when you walk past the pastry shops you can't afford anything.
025. Before you dig into that carton of ice cream, bag of chips, etc., take a deep breath and count to 100. Usually, by the time you stop counting you will have convinced yourself that you don't really need it.
026. Write a note to yourself listing all the reasons you are finally ready to lose weight. Keep this letter with you at all times, for inspiration.
027. Check your head. Never eat anything bigger than your head, even lettuce. You'll only stretch your stomach out. Train your tummy to settle for less.
028. You'll eat less on a black or navy blue plate.
029. Eat your sweets at breakfast
030. If you love a certain food, save the wrappers even after you've eaten it. Smell it when you're hungry.
031. Don't Swallow! Take a bite, chew, and spit it out.
032. Track your triggers. Log them in a notebook, post them in your journal, whatever. This way youll know when a trigger is going to hit, and youll know in advance to keep yourself occupied during that time.
033. Sit up straight. You'll burn at least ten percent more calories sitting upright than reclining.
034. Kelp pills help to boost he metabolism.
035. Never eat anything bigger than your fist.
036. Get your tongue/lip/labret pierced, therefore you can't eat. Not only will your mouth be sore, but youll have something to strive for, a new motivation. For me, when I get a new piercing I starve myself because I want to look good with the new jewelry.
037. Drink 2tbsp of vinegar before the meal, so it well help suck out the fat out of it.
038. If you're being watched, try the opaque cup trick. This ones a classic: Pretend you're eating, and spit the food in the cup while you pretend to be drinking - don't forget to get rid of what's in the cup though!
039. Go to the kitchen often, and pretend youre snacking. Take a bite out of something and take a long time, look in the fridge, etc. They will think you're always in the kitchen eating, and won't suspect anything.. If you never go in the kitchen, your family will notice.
040. Go Vegan or vegetarian, or just cut out red meat altogether... Meat and meat products have a lot of fat in them.
041. Have a peppermint. Peppermints actually decrease hunger.
042. When you get hunger pains, curl up in a ball. It really helps them go a way.
043. Drink tea whenever you get hungry and drink as much as you want its low in calories, and it fills you up.
044. Hit your stomach when it grumbles because that will make the sound go away and your stomach will hurt too much to eat.
045. Diet soda, contrary to what it says on the bottle, is not calorie-free. It is, however, still low in calories (one calorie a can), and though its not as good as drinking water, it will fill you up.
046.Metabolife really curbs your hunger and cravings, as well as gives you energy when you're restricting. Though, as with the Dexatrim, using Metabolife will interact with other medications, causing possibly permanent heart damage.
047. Try varying your daily intake. If you eat, say, 200 calories a day, you will hit a plateau in your weight loss and your metabolism will slow down greatly. Instead, try consuming 400 one day, 600 the next, 200 the day after, and so on. The numbers are up to you, but whatever you do, make sure the calorie content doesnt stay the same.
048. Green tea is not only an anti-oxidant, you can burn up to 110 extra calories a day by drinking several cups.
049. Persuade yourself that you don't like a food, take your favorite food and when you look at it and think yum, think yuck instead. Even if you dont believe it at first, even just thinking it goes a very long way, and eventually you will convince yourself that you really dont like the food.
050. Low calorie hot chocolate is great for suppressing those chocolate cravings and it makes you feel full, too.
051. Always leave at least 3 hours between eating anything and going to sleep. If you eat before sleeping it can help you to put on weight, the 3 hours gives your body enough time to burn calories, which you wouldn't burn if you went to sleep.
052. Hide a plate or zip lock bag near your computer. Right before supper, go to your computer room and when supper is ready say youre doing your homework and want them to bring your meal to you. When you get it, just put it in the other plate or zip lock bag and bring the dish back up in 15 min.'s. Just make sure you dispose of the food later.
053. Take a picture of yourself scantily clad, and every time you want to grab for the cake and cookies and ice-cream, just look at the picture (it could be nude but keep it hidden).
054. When you have a craving for sweets, have 'crystal light' sugar free candies. They're delicious, and are HALF the calories of normal hard candies.
055. Taking more than the recommended dose of kelp makes you feel sick and you don't have to try and restrict.
056. Buy lunches/dinners of canned/contained foods, like lunch buckets, then without cooking them hide them in your room or locker as if you were eating them, and instead walk/drive them once a week to your local homeless shelter. This also helps those of you, like me, who feel guilty for wasting food.
057. When you are in school or at work, grab something on your way out the door to eat (because youre in a hurry)-and throw it out. Then when lunchtime comes, go to the library instead of with your friends. Also, get involved in an after-school activity. This way you come home after everyone else has eaten and you can take a plate of food to your room to eat while you are doing your homework (put the food in a bag and throw it out with tomorrows breakfast).
058. Wearing "fashionable" gloves and scarves really helps when you get cold and makes people less suspicious than if you're always bitching that you're cold when its over 80 degrees out.
059. Celery actually burns calories. Every hour, eat a stalk of it. Not only will it fill you up, but it'll also get your metabolism kicking.
060. When you feel you need to eat, list the reasons why its not such a good idea. By then you'll most likely lose the craving, and you'll have convincing reasons not to eat.
061. Try Green Orange or Bitter Orange (found at health food stores). They contain synephrine, which i
ncreases your metabolism more effectively and it's not as dangerous to use as ephedra. 062. Coffee! On an empty stomach it will make you feel sick and will curb your appetite while burning calories because of the caffeine.
063. Always wear a rubber band on your wrist.. When you're tempted, snap it. Operant Conditioning is a wonderful thing (You know, Pavlov, the infamous salivating dog and Baby Albert?).
064. If you get hunger strikes, go on a walk or sleep...keeping your mind off food will make them go away. And if you exercise to avoid eating, you will automatically get into the Cant eat, need to get thin! mood.
065. If you're in college, plan your schedule so that it spreads throughout the day. That way you won't have long gaps of time where you can pig out in your dorm.. Wont your friends be jealous when they gain the Freshman 15 and you havent?
066. Whenever you get hungry, think of all the people who made fun of you in middle/high school.
067. If you are eating a meal, only eat every 4th bite. Take a bite, spit it out, repeat. But when you get to your 4th, swallow.
068. Put your fork down in between bites at meal time.
069. If you feel empty, try this: you can buy bagels that are 98% fat free, split it in half, chew on it for a while. They fill you up, as they appear stodgy. Once you've eaten a mouthful, spit the rest out. They're dry so they encourage you to drink water, which fills you up.
070. Always keep a trash can near you when you eat so if you feel like you are going to over eat, you can just make it a reflex action to throw the food away. You can't think about it though, because you'll just decide to eat. Even if you've only eaten 2 bites, if you feel that you might be full, just reflexively throw the food away. If youre at a restaurant, just choose a seat next to the trash. I don't recommend this tip if you're eating with other people, though.
071. If you're annoyed at your family for always trying to make you eat breakfast with them, tell them (while holding your stomach with your arms and looking like you're about to puke) that you always feel sick after you eat in the morning so early. Or that you have to go swimming in a few hours, and that you don't like eating before that.
072.If you do cook food, make sure it's something that takes a long time to cook (like cookies or a pasta or something) and also has a strong aroma, so that way when it's done and you're ready to eat it, you will have gotten filled up just by the smell and waiting and you won't be able to finish it all. It also helps to drink a lot of water while you're waiting, as that fills you up, too.
073. When you are really hungry, take some anti-heartburn pills. Stomach acid is always being made to help digest food and when you don't eat it builds up and you feel hunger. Pills help neutralize the acid and you won't get hunger pangs.
074. If you throw food in the trash can in your bedroom, make sure you get rid of the bag before going to bed, otherwise it will reek in the morning.
075. Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day. This is an obvious one, but there are other reasons to due this, other than weight loss. Drinking water ensures that the kidneys are functioning properly. If you are not fully hydrated this means that the kidneys are not working to their full capacity and results are that the waste products are then dumped onto your liver, which is where the fat process actually occurs. Water actually speeds up your metabolism.
076. Exercise and sweat. When you sweat you burn calories, obviously. Don't overdo it, however, because then you will have a heat stroke. Also if you take a hot bath, you lose water from sweating, but when you drink all the water it comes back again. A good way to do this is if you are going out and you really want fit into that tube top for summer, then just don't drink anything and take a really hot shower and sweat a lot. You will be thirsty but you will have lost a lot of weight for the time being. Remember: body is 98% water.
077. Eat a tiny piece of onion (like 1/2 in square). That way you have onion breath and people believe you really ate.
078. If you have a craving for sugar, try fat-free, sugar free Jell-O... its only 10 cals per serving... if you want you can eat the whole bowl and its only 40 cals.
079. Get tape or those roll up bandages and wind them tightly around your stomach. It stops you from eating because you can't get the food down properly and you also look thinner.
080. If you eat at night before you go to bed, make sure you lay on your left side. It makes the food go through your system faster and wont have as much time to suck fat out of the food. But remember that you shouldn't eat before you go to bed. It slows down your metabolism.
081. Keep yourself extremely busy, almost to the point of being completely stressed out, and you can go for 8hrs without being hungry or wanting to eat.
082. Use two of the Ginseng packets you find in convenience stores if you don't have diet pills (mini-thins work well also). Be sure you don't take more than two every six hours or so because if you haven't eaten in a while, 3 can give you the shakes.
083. If you don't feel comfortable not eating too much, eat only a hard boiled egg, an apple, and a glass of water. It will fill you up all day.
084. Remember, out of sight is out of mind. If there are goodies lying around on the counters or table, put them away and/or hide them. That way whenever you walk through the kitchen you won't be tempted.
085. Make vegetable soup with low cal veggies cut up in chunks. You can have a full bowl and feel full, but actually you havent eaten very many calories.
086. If you can, get a job around food. It will curb your my appetite drastically, especially if you work in a fast food place such as McDonalds.
087. Get comfy in bed. Being comfortable means you don't want to move, which means no getting up to get food.
088. Take zinc and potassium supplements. These work well with kelp in raising metabolism and mobilizing fat.
089. If you have a terrible craving, turn on the TV. Most likely, some sort of show will be on with skinny, gorgeous actresses/models. It's a definite way to curb an appetite.
090. If sitting at school or work, constantly tap your feet/fingers. Fidgeting throughout day is proven to burn up to 800 calories per day.
091. If you're talking about celebrities, make sure to mention how you think Calista Flockhart is too thin and that you think Kate Winslet is gorgeous. Praise fat and people will never guess that you're starving yourself into thinness.
092. If you're in outpatient treatment and have to have your blood tested - a comprehensive metabolic panel - there are a few ways you can fool the test. One, drink water - LOTS. You need to flush the ketones that have built up in your system out of your body or else they'll know you're starving/burning fat. Two, eat some nutritional stuff - yogurt, fruit, cereal - the day beforehand as well as a few hours beforehand, Technically, you're supposed to fast for 12 hours before the test for it to be accurate in measuring your vitamin levels. NOT fasting will up the vitamin levels. Three, make sure you always take vitamins. Finally, you'll want to make sure you get your electrolytes in. Smartwater has 0 calories and lots of electrolytes - perfect for this tip and the first one! So drink up.
093. Wear nail polish to cover up the bluish tinge that starvation gives your fingernails so others don't suspect it as much.
094. Have to go to a restaurant with someone? Some ways you can avoid eating much - 1. veganism (makes it hard to find suitable food); 2. severe food allergies (always a good answer when they offer chocolate!), or 3. order something that you've never tried before. When you taste it, say you don't like it.
095.Three product recommendations: smart water (0 calories, but has electrolytes - even if you don't purge you lose them!), caffeinated peppermints (sugar free - 3 for 5 calories, at, and antacid gum (for those times you do have to purge). These are the triumvirate of the anorexic's medicine cabinet.
096. Use your mind - think about what the food would look like in your body after you have eaten it... hopefully that will put you off.
097. When you're cooking, make sure you chew gum at the same time so you won't be tempted to take little bites of the stuff you're cooking.
098. Wearing braces could take away your appetite. Depending on what kind of a person you are, either lazy or not. In some cases other people don't bother cleaning their braces because they are sick and tired of doing it. It is also bad to leave chunks of meat and cheetos in-between braces and teeth. Their mentality says " Why bother eating again, I don't want to clean my braces three times a day". This tip is good for people who are "neat freaks" or hygienic. It is also a good advantage cause braces will give good teeth result. Braces may hurt the teeth but its another reason not to bother putting food in your mouth
099. If you're with your family and you're at a buffet, spend most of the time acting like you're picky, and walk around the buffet tables. Then just get a little something and spit it in your cup or napkin. Sneak in some exercise too while you're walking.
100. Get a piece of ribbon and cut it to the measurement that you want your waist to become after you lose weight. Then you tie this around your wrist like a bracelet. The idea is that each time you see the ribbon you remember your goal, and hopefully it stops you from breaking your targets! And whenever you need a motivation boost, take the ribbon off and see if it fits around your waist.

40 Reasons not to eat

1. You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day.
2. You don't NEED food.
3. Fat people can't fit everywhere.
4. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.
5. You'll be able to run faster without all that extra weight holding you back.
6. People will remember you as the 'beautiful thin one.'
7. If someone has to describe you, they'll say, 'oh, she weighs like 100, 110 lbs.'
8. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.
9. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.
10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.
11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite.
12. If you eat, you'll look like those disgusting, fat, ghetto and trailer-trash hookers on Jerry Springer.
13. The models that everyone claim are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? ... NO....
14. Too many people in America are obese.
15. People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.
16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them?
17. Anyone can have 'inner beauty,' but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out.
18. You'll be able to move as quietly and skillfully as a spider.
19. Only thin people are graceful.
20. If you slap a fat person, you can see a shockwave ripple over their skin. That's disgusting.
21. Do you want people to say, 'For god's sake get off of me, you're crushing me; I can't breathe!' or 'You are soo light.' ?
22. Underweight, a.k.a. perfect body.
23. Ballerina? Or beanbag?
24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the clouds. . .like in my reoccurring dream I love that dream.
25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints.
26. Starve off the parts you don't need. They're ugly and drag you down.
27. Nothing can't be fixed with hunger and weightloss.
28. Saying 'No, thanks,' to food is saying 'Yes, please,' to THIN!
29. Fat people are so huge, people see through them and it's like they don't exist.
30. The only time people notice a fat person is when they get in the way of that beautiful thin girl walking by. (I know that one sounds horrible)(Oh well)
31. Have you ever seen a person NOT notice a walking skeleton?
32. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
33. Is food more important than happiness in life? Your appearance to others?
34. Eating is conforming.
35. When you start to get dizzy and weak, you're almost there.
36. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you like food.
37. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out, making you fat, bloated, ugly, and unhappy.
38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon.
39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I will name a million to be skinny. I'll name them even if you can't find a reason to be fat.
40. Thin people look good in ANY kind of clothes

Monday, December 14, 2009

You know your anorexic when... could be sponsored as pro for cutting huge lettuce leaves into an edible size.
you stop having your period altogether.
you thrive on Metamucil.
you spend more time planning out your eating pattern than you do on your term paper.
you don't own a single food item that does not come in a fat-free, reduced cal butter.
you haven't "spread" margarine in months, since cal-free only comes in a spray.
you've ripped off your clothes compulsively for the sole purpose of getting the "accurate" weight 3 times a day (as a minimum here *grin*).
you have to schedule times with different friends so your excuse of "I already ate" will fly.
caffeine...need I say more?
you're on more "supplements" than Mark McGuire.
you plan strategic "eating" times so that people will think you are constantly stuffing your face.
you fill a carriage of food at the grocery store and put it all back, leaving wtih nothing.
you spend 20 bucks on a meal and don't put any of it in your mouth.
during trivial pursuit, you know all the food questions, like which has more calories, spinich or tomato juice? (spinich is right).
you know the calorie content of almost ANYTHING!
you can write your own calorie counter book/website.
you can never find a watch that stays on right.
you automatically count calories as soon as you take a bite of something. ("One cracker is 12 calories, and this bite was about half. 6 calories so far...")
going to a doctor means drinking a gallon of water and stashing all your change in your pockets and socks.. just in case he/she wants to weigh you.
you can't put your arms by your side because you have so much padding on bracelets that fit most people fall of your hand.
everyone in the room is sweating in a tank top, and your freezing in a sweater.
you CANNOT drink a soda that's not diet under any circumstances.
you're suspicious of the amount of calories the package says (120 that can't be right, better add 10 more).
you can remember the amount of calories you ate 5 days ago, but you can't remember where you put your car keys.
you know the calorie content of more foods than a nutritionist.
you may have done some tendon/ligament damage to your knee (and also have a sprained/hairline fractured foot) but that doesn't stop you from doing your twice daily gym visits.
when you wake up in the middle of the night (or a few times) and have to measure yourself several times to make sure you haven't gained anything before you can go back to sleep.
when you have to do these measurements several times a day as well.
you spend more than an hour in a grocery store on more than one occasion your mom refuses to go grocery shopping with you.
you think 30 calories is alot for a drink.
you're mortally afraid of poptarts and whole milk.
when you think who needs friends with all these voices in your head.
when you wake up in a cold sweat because you dreamt that you ate something horrific and cant rest until you weigh yourself.
when you dont mind doing chores, because hey its all calory burning.
when you cower in the corner petrified because someone offered you the spoon and they cant understand because no-one has turned them down before, but no matter how hard you try - it will never touch your lips.
when you would rather have bamboo sticks shoved under your finger nails then feel fat... every single day of the week.
when you think that 100 calories for one meal is to much.
when you leave your grocery cart in the middle of the aisle because it has to much food in it (a box of saltines, diet sobe, and a bag of wow potato chips)
you can't sleep at night because your worried that rice cake is gonna make you fatter if you sleep.
when you buy a new mattress with an inch of padding, put a foam pad under your sheets, and still feel pain from the bones sticking out.
when you walk a mile each way too and from school, then go for a run, then bike another 3 miles, in the middle of december in the upper midwest (read: cold as hell)
you drink enough water to flood a small country.
when you wake up scared as hell because you just had a very realistic dream about eating.
your cabinet doors are starting to get a better work out then you are. any food yet. nope nothing I can eat. any food yet. how about now....
when you have perfected making the smallest amount of food look huge.
who needs a museum? you'd get the vending machine downstairs.
your roommate gets pissed because you keep opening (and closing) the fridge door.
the pants you worn in seventh grade fall off.
you convince everyone around you that you're either vegan, vegetarian, lactose-intolerant, or diabetic. Bonus point if you convince them you are all of the above.
when you think a shower is just so much more appealing then a bath.
you intentionally buy clothes that are a size smaller then what you currently are.
when you intentionally park the car in the furtherest parking bay just so you can walk further.
when you put your dumbbells/extra books in your ruksack so its heavier because you figure the more cals burned the better.
when you have to talk to yourself to find out if you can eat, only to end up with an upgrade to only having a glass of water.
your diet pills are your daily supply of vitamins.
you sleep with a pillow between your knees, under your butt, etc, etc, etc...
you have more cookbooks than your local bookstore.
you relish the feeling of hunger because you know that you are doing something right.
you tell yourself that those "hunger pangs" are just a stomach ache from eating too much an hour/day/week ago.
you go to the doctor for a weigh-in and blood work (being terrified of needles mind you!) and all you can think about is you weigh too much but not enough for doctors to like and you didn't have time to water-load and...(ect.)
you get depressed if you can't go to your online ED-forums.
when you weigh yourself whenever you can hoping to see even a quarter of a pound dropped.
when you've noticed that you've gained a pound and start exercising mad-style as soon as you get off the scale.
when you have to shop for your clothes in the children's section.
when you're wearing thermal underwear in the summer.
when you check vitamin bottles for calories.
when your thighs don't touch together when you're walking.
when you see pictures of starving people and become jealous.
when you find out toothpaste has 15 calories in it and dont brush your teeth for 4 days straight than remember you dont actually swallow the toothpaste.
when you worry if your laxatives have calories.
when you worry for days about the party youre gonna have in school and how you can avoid looking stupid by not eating, but cant eat because than youll get fat.
when you over lap your fingers around your wrist numerous times a day.
smoke more because it burns calories.
you worry about kissing your boyfriend because you might consume some calories from anything he's had that day.
if your butt hurts from sitting on the floor and your bones sticking out-- you think it's because all your FAT has put to much weight on it.
you worry about putting on flavored lip gloss because nothing that good and with flavor can have 0 calories.
uncontrollable shaking from not eating is a good sign that you've been "good".
your mood depends on if you've eaten that day or not.
you walk into a room and feel like everyone is looking at you and noticing that pound you gained.
you wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden urge to do your crunches because that dream you just had about food was way too real.
when you search for a parking space as far AWAY from the entrance as possible to burn more calories.
when youre convinced that just reading about the foods in a calorie book will make you fatter.
when you take your pulse every 10 minutes, just to check.
when you think the calories from other peoples food will somehow become airborne, and youll inhale them, so you dont go out with anyone if theyre eating.
when you count the calories in anything anyone else is eating.
you watch food comercials obsessively, like some people watch horror movies.
when you seriously contemplate (even if only for a second) taking a razor and carving the fat off your body in a twisted version of at-home liposuction.
when you measure whether you're too heavy or not by if the stairs creak as you go up them (even though the house is over 100 years old) and determine you're a lardass everytime.
when you fix food for someone and you wash you hands immediatly because your afraid that you'll absorb calories thru your skin by just touching it.
when there is no safe food.
you had no money whatsoever, you'd be willing to beg, borrow & steal to get your diet pills.
you make sure that work scehdules you during your family's mealtime so you won't have to make excuses.
if you do eat with must eat nothing else the entire day in preperation for a 'normal' meal.
you practice weighing yourself at different angles just to make sure that you can't get a smaller weight, believe the heaviest.
you spend 20 minutes at the grocery store debating rather or not the 15 calories extra for fat free cocoa with marshmallows is worth it.
you avoid and eventually lose your friends because they might want to go out for pizza or something equally evil.
the meals you do eat are consumed in front of friends and/or family so they'll think you're eating...spend an excessive amount of time preparing a 60 calorie meal to make it seem like more.
when you finally do eat something with a substantial amount of comes right back up or goes right through you.
your worth is based on the number the scale flashes at you.
you're making Christmas cookies for your family, and you're afraid that you'll absorb some calories through inhaling the dough, so you go outside and run 2 miles in freezing cold weather.
someone asks you if you want something to eat and you say, "No thanks, I ate yesterday," and don't realize that you said anything strange.
when you have to stop midway through typing a post to rub some warmth back into you rfingers.
when you sit/walk around the house rubbing the end of your numb nose.
you find yourself doing constant math in your head in order to break down caloric content of things like one sugar free hard candy (approx. 10) or one individual Cheese Nip (approx. 4)
you know the calorie content of semen (15 cals per "serving" and it's pure protien)
you look at urself in the mirror every 5 minutes to see if you "miraculously" have gained any weight and to count or admire your ribs......or any new found protruding bones.
you practice weighing yourself at different angles just to make sure that you can't get a smaller weight, believe the heaviest.
you engage in a posting convo about how many calories are in semen.
when presented with the option of finally getting your social security card after months of putting it off or going to the store to buy fat free pringles (which are on sale), you get the pringles just so you can have something fat free to eat the whole day

i could relate to alot of these, and many made me laugh out from the truth behind them. i hope you enjoy them as well :]

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So i pierced my own belly button yesterday kind of out of the blue. I like it though. Its gonna help motivate me to exercise so i can show of my cute, FLAT, this summer with my belly ring. And yesterday I got lots of compliments on my stomach! I was like, woww! Kinda proud of myself. It made my day =] I gotta make sure dad doesn't find out though. Ashley was pissed that i didn't get it professionally done. Haha, oh well. It didn't hurt. Im still in need of an Ana buddy, any takers? I need someone who can text. =]

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rainbow Diet

Rainbow Diet
Monday (white):
Breakfast: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Dinner: 1 cucumber (24 cals)
Total: 105 cals

Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Lunch: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ cup corn (66 cals)
Total: 283 cals

Wednesday (fast):

Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: ½ orange (31 cals)
Lunch: ½ orange (31 cals)
Dinner: 1 carrot (26 cals)
Total: 88 cals

Friday (red):
Breakfast: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ red pepper (16 cals)
Total: 59 cals

Saturday (purple/blue):
Breakfast: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Lunch: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Dinner: 10 raspberries (24 cals)
Total: 40 cals

Sunday (green):
Breakfast: ½ cup grapes (57 cals)
Lunch: ½ grapes (57 cals)
Dinner: 1 cup lettuce (7 cals)
Total: 121 cals

Week total: 696 cals

I think it sounds like fun! :D I cant wait to try this diet.
I weighed myself this morning, hardly lost anything..
I'm going to try extra hard this week. I'm going to start running every day after school if I can (days i dont work) and i really need to start taking my vitamin pills again. I work tuesday and thursday this week!! no supper those days! plus monday and wednesday, my parents normally tell me to eat without them! i'm hoping to be very successful this weekend
stay strong!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Yesterday i had a little bit of a "boost/binge" day. I ate a parfait, crackers, veggies, and supper.. So today I'm fasting. Green tea for breakfast, and i work tonight so I wont be eating supper either. I might need some type of caffeine though. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I'm going to my mom's this weekend (UH OH!!) so Im going to have to be extra careful about what I eat.

Here's some tips for the day:

-When your really hungry, eat some tums. They'll suppress your appetite plus give you lots of calcium :]
-Make tea, or any other type of hot water. (ex, coffee). Especially green tea, it boosts your metabolism
-Chew gum, you swallow air, making you feel fuller and it also gives you the sensation of chewing
-Egg whites, they're filling, only 13 calories and practically pure protein. :] yayy!!

..and because i know my mom likes to take me out to eat, here's some tips for family dinners
at home:
-fake sick, obviously (but don't try this too often, it gets suspicious)
-cut your food into tiny, tiny bites. It'll make it look like you've eaten more than you actually have
-ask how long until supper is going to be done, if its going to be a half hour or so, complain about being "soooo hungry" and take something up to your room to "eat", DON'T eat it!, throw it away, that way you either can eat less, or nothing at all when supper comes around

out to eat:
-drink a full glass of water, keep refilling
-complaining of a stomach ache can never hurt

Thursday, December 3, 2009


My jeans are starting to get a little baggy. I just noticed today :D I almost cant wait to weigh myself this weekend at my mom's. Cuz, my dad and step mom dont keep a scale in our house. They say that we dont need one. UGHH. It drives me crazy. I had a fuit parfait today, and LOTS of water. I'm so excited. My friend Mara even said today that i look really good today! She asked if i had been working out, i said yes. So that TOTALLY made my day. :D
Love you all, -Gabie

Thin Commandments

Pro-ana is a lifestyle. Not a disease

1) If you aren't thin, you aren't attractive
2) Being thin is more important than being healthy
3) You must buy clothes, cut your hair, take laxatives, anything to make yourself look thinner
4) Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty
5) Thou shall not eat fattening food without punishing after wards
6) Thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly
7) What the scale says is the most important thing
8) Losing weight is good, gaining weight is bad
9) You can never be too thin
10) Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are you hungry?

You are craving food right now, huh? What do you think you are doing? Don't you dare go anywhere near food! Don't touch it; don't even think about it. What do you want to do, become a fat cow? I am your best friend, and if you eat, you are failing me and letting me down. If you eat right it shows what little self-control you have. That pain in your stomach right now, that is me, and that is your fat melting away. When you feel empty, it means you are empty of your sins. Summer is coming up. You want to be able to walk around in booty shorts and a bikini top, don't you? You want to walk around in a bikini with your flat, firm little stomach and your toned little thighs. You to be able to run your hand over your stomach and feel your ribs. You want to go to the mall and see that skimpy outfit and know you would look damn good in it. You made a commitment to me. I am your life and obsession. Don't break what we have. I will give you everything you want, but you have to give me what I want. And I want you to stay away from food. Go have some water. Go drink some tea or coffee. Or better yet - go to the gym, fatty! Don't show me what little self-control you have. Don't defy me. You know that if you go eat right now, you will end up on your knees puking it all up until you see blood and water and your stomach is aching. You will regret eating as soon as those calories and that fat slip past your tonsils and down into your body to add to that extra roll on your stomach. You are going to get cellulite. You are going to look like the typical fat soccer mom. I can give you so much - I can give you a great body. Show me your control and I will show you a flat stomach. Show me you love me and can keep me a secret and stay away from food and I'll give you those shaped little thighs. Show me you can run until you drop and I will give you a cute ass. You love me. If you eat now and throw away what you are working for, I will hate you. And you will hate yourself. You have a meal plan; you have goals and dreams. Don't throw that all away now. Don't give up what you really want for something you want now. Don't eat. You are still no supermodel. Don't fail me. Don't eat!


Eat to live, don't live to eat
The only freedom left is the freedom to starve
Bones define who we really are, let them show
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
Craving is only a feeling
The greasy fry cannot lie, the truth is written on your thigh
You can always go farther than you think you can
You are what you eat
If i eat anything, I'll eat everything, so I eat nothing
So far, so good =] i only had green tea this morning
lunch wont be a problem
but my parents will be home for supper, damn.
I feel like i'm failing my girlfriend Ashley. she's so beautiful and thin. and here i am, this fat ugly bitch. its really a wonder why she loves me.